Creatively Inspiring Day
I was determined to leave home early yesterday to go to the annual Fiber Arts Festival in Castle Farms, Charlevoix.
I have marked my calendar months ahead for this event and I have been looking forward to this day. At first, I thought the show would be all about just yarn, crochet and knitting. But it was more than that. It was also about different kinds of yarn and fiber from sheep, angora, alpaca, llama and even camel. Some vendors also showcased felting and rug hooking. There were also some who were selling beads, clothes, pottery and handmade soaps. You can also have your take on sheep shearing, weaving, fiber dying, spinning, etc. It was also my first time to see Angora Rabbits. Being in this event, I again realized how art can be expressed in so many ways.

My favorite part was learning how to do felting. I've always seen felt projects being sold in craft shows like bags, wallets, and other accesories. I've seen also seen books about felting. But I never really understood the craft, until yesterday. I was just looking around and I chanced upon Back to Back Fiber Products and they were conducting make and take projects for everyone. I was able to make a zipper pull and learned how to make a felted bead. It was so much fun!
There is also one vendor that really interested me. Spruce Ridge Studios does really wonderful rug hooking art. The artist Kris Miller was demonstrating rug hooking and she was very accomodating. I had to buy one of her kits and give this craft a try. When will I start? Probably not soon, but I definitely will.
I didn't expect to spend 3 hours in the Fiber Arts Festival, but it was all worth it. I had to learn the hard way to bring a check book to events like this because not all vendors accept credit cards. And there was no ATM machine in the area. In a way, that was a good thing and I didn't have to deal with impulse buying. I'll definitely go to the Fiber Arts Festival again next year. In fact, I'll include this in my yearly list of things to do.
On the way back, I stopped by a pottery studio called Otis Pottery, which I saw on my way to Castle Farms. DH and I have always liked pottery, and we have a collection of them, mostly Japanese. When I walked into the studio and saw the items, I already thought they have a Japanese touch to them. My guess was right upon seeing the owner and artist Ms. June Otis. She does have pure Japanese roots although born and raised in the US. I wish DH was there to see her work. I'd love to go to one of her classes in the winter if given the chance.
After driving a few more miles, I had to stop at Jordan Valley Glassworks. I've always wanted to see this place and yesterday was my chance. As soon as I entered their studio, I was in awe. I wish I was rich so I can buy all the pieces that I like. They not only do they blow glass, but they also do stained glass. Too bad they don't do classes. I've always wanted to learn how to do hand-blown glass.
While back in the road, I saw a sign about fiber and yarn and I just had to stop by. The sign led to a farm called Stonehenge Farm and Fiber Mill. They are actually one of the vendors in the Fiber Arts Festival, but the owner was nice enough to show me their shop and even all the equipment and machinery they use to make their yarn.
I consider this day a craft road trip with all the things I saw and experienced. To be honest, I've been brain dead and haven't done anything crafty lately. But this trip did nourish my spirit and inspired me to create.
Going back to "reality", I stopped by Big Lots and they were selling a lot of Martha Stewart craft items for $1 each. I bought a bunch of ribbons, and I was glad that I finally got to swipe the darn card!
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