Friday, October 21

Blog Candy No. 7

Clear Stamp Set
Autumn Leaves

As of 10:10 am ET, there has been 115 entries.  And via Random.Org, the winner of this clear stamp set is:

Jerosha A

Congratulations!  You have two days to email me your mailing address.  If you're not able to respond in time, this prize will roll over to Blog Candy No. 8 on October 24th.

Also, I would like to remind participants to use the link of the actual blog entry, and not the entire blog itself.  I had to delete an entry for that reason.  For more information about the details of our World Card Making Day celebration, please click here.

Please help spread the word out!  I'd like to have more players as we dwindle down to the final 10 days of our celebration.  The more the merrier!

Ready to submit your card?



Wow! I won a stamp set, yipee!!!! Thanks for the opportunity =)

franzesjoi said...

ate jwels congrats!!!! hihihi

Maryann Laursen said...

Congratulations sweetie, that stampset looks awesome, and should bring a lot of fun, I think.
HAve a wonderful week-end everyone and lots of fun.